Cress Funeral & Cremation Service is a full-service funeral home provider in Middleton, WI, and neighboring areas. We have been locally-owned and operated for over 137 years and up to this day, we have maintained the quality service that we can be proud of. We believe we have a special responsibility to respect the deceased's dignity, to support and guide the family during their loss, and to inspire memory with each family according to their particular customs, culture, and financial resources. Cress Funeral & Cremation Service has been enriched and blessed with a caring and compassionate staff that truly are involved in our communities and want to make a difference in people’s lives. Call us today at (608) 238-3434 or schedule a visit to our 8 locations.
Maybe you’ve heard? Making plans for your own future needs regarding funeral home and cremations in Middleton, WI, is easier than you might think. There are many online questionnaires and guides if you want to take your time to think about things. The qualified staff at Cress Funeral & Cremation Service can help you with our online pre-planning form or during a scheduled appointment.
Pre-need plans can be commenced when your own (or a close loved one’s) death is approaching. If a terminal diagnosis has been given, it may be worth having some conversation around this topic. Getting on in years can also be accompanied by failing health. If that pattern is developing, it can be a natural time to think about this. Even if extensive plans are not made, having a starting place can bring a lot of relief to the surviving loved ones.
What many people do not realize is that pre-arrangement planning can be completed for younger, healthy adults too. Plan specifics could be finalized enough to pre-purchase the service package as well. If this occurs several years before death, the savings difference of current and future pricing could be significant.
If you are going to plan ahead, you will want to know a bit more about what is available to select. There are several kinds of services that can be chosen between or added to each other. It is good to think about what you want to have prepared on your behalf.
It is vital to find a provider who can support individuals from every walk of life. They must have the connections and compatibility to work with any faith tradition or lifestyle that is applicable. Tradition can be very comforting since it feels familiar and safe. When you are working towards these plans surrounding funeral home and cremations in Middleton, WI, be sure to ask about any accommodations your family may require on your behalf when the time comes.
A word of caution. Some people feel that having ceremonies for themselves is a waste of time and resources. Please remember that when the time comes for your own services, they are as much (or even more) for your grieving loved ones as for you. Having at least some style of event to remember your life will be a great support to them. Don’t take that away from your family when they are hurting.
Pre-need arrangement is a choice that can bring peace of mind to you right now. Your closest loved ones will have the benefit of your kind forward-thinking at a very tender time. If you are ready to consider your own needs for a funeral home and cremations in Middleton, WI, call Cress Funeral & Cremation Service to get things settled.
The interval between death and cremation is the fundamental difference between traditional cremation and direct cremation. As cremated remains are known, the body will be delivered to the family later. Cremation on the spot. The body is transferred immediately from the hospital or morgue to the Crematory with direct cremation. Learn more.
Green (or natural) burial emphasizes environmental sustainability and simplicity. No chemicals, such as embalming fluids, are used in the preparation of the body. It is simply wrapped in a biodegradable shroud or coffin and buried without the use of a concrete vault. The gravesite has been left to revert to its natural state. Learn more about green burial.
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