Welcome to our redesigned website. We hope you find it informative and helpful. Please explore our site and if you have any comments or suggestions we would value hearing from you.
If you are visiting Cress because a friend or family member has passed away, the Obituary & Remembrance section is easy to find on the Home page. Please add your favorite memory, picture, video or condolence as a tribute to the special connection you have had together. There you can also find maps and driving directions to the Service & Events.
Another feature to help families stay connected is the ability to share the obituary notice on your Facebook page so your Facebook friends will know of their passing. If you communicate on Facebook, please visit our Cress Facebook page and follow us. Our friends share inspiring stories and quotes, along with helpful messages for anyone journeying through difficult days.
If you would like to receive email notifications when a new obituary or tribute has been added online, you have the option of subscribing to our site so that you can receive the most current obituary news.
We also have an extensive section for making funeral plans ahead of the time they are needed. These kinds of important choices are better made at a time before the need arises, when most of us think more clearly.
These online planning and information resources are intended to be helpful for you to create the perfect healing event for your family and friends. It has been our experience that families rarely regret doing more, but frequently regret doing too little (‘I wish we would have…’). We have an on-line planning form and are always ready to answer any questions that you have via email, by phone, or in person. Please let us help you.
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